Candy Buy-Back header 2023



Can you believe it’s almost October? And that time of year again when we hold our Annual Candy Buy-Back Fundraiser. We love this opportunity each year to connect with our patients in their school environments and with parents in their local communities (and to also hopefully save you a few trips to the dentist).

Like in years past, for every pound of candy collected by your school, we will donate $1 to the PTA, up to $250 per school. If you participate, we will donate at least $50. Be sure to save up those W.B. Mason boxes to store the candy! Many of the schools invited Dr. Vic to speak at a school assembly to really get all the kids excited for this fundraiser and explain why we are asking them to give up (some) of their candy. Those schools were much more successful in collecting candy – our top school to date collected 567 pounds!

Please let us know by October 15th if your school will be participating in the Candy Buy-Back.


 This is where you can also let us know if you are interested in Dr. Vic speaking to your students about this program and/or dental health. If you are unable to participate in the collection but would like to get involved, we are also asking students to write thank-you notes to our soldiers. Perhaps you can use this as a lesson in gratitude for the kids. Thank you and we look forward to another successful fundraiser for you!