East Hampton & Riverhead Sleep Apnea & Snoring Solutions

Stop Waking Up Tired

At Facing the Future Orthodontics, we can help you start your day with a smile by treating sleep apnea and other sleep issues in adults and kids.

Schedule a sleep/airway consultation

Wake Up Ready to
Start Your Day

With Sleep Apnea & Snoring Solutions

Do you feel like you have to drag yourself out of bed each day? You may be suffering from an undiagnosed sleep disorder like sleep apnea.

Consistent fatigue is one of many symptoms that may point to a problem with breathing while sleeping. When sleep disorders are ignored, they can lead to complications such as:

  • Chronic daytime sleepiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Heartburn, reflux
  • Morning headaches
  • Depression

If you believe you or your partner have sleep apnea or snoring issues, CPAP isn’t your only solution. It could be your airway.

Benefits of Adult Sleep Treatment

When your sleep apnea or other sleep or snoring issue is diagnosed and treated, you can enjoy improved:

  • Energy
  • Motivation
  • Mood
  • Job performance
  • Memory
  • Alertness
  • Quality of life
Riverhead & East Hampton Maxillary
Skeletal Expander

Expanding Your Airway, Improving Your Rest

At Facing the Future Orthodontics, we use a maxillary skeletal expander — or MSE for short — to treat adult patients for sleep apnea, snoring, and other breathing issues.

The MSE is a modified palatal expander that widens your upper jaw and creates more airway space so you can breathe easily.

This technique works especially well for adult patients whose jaws have stopped growing and would normally need orthognathic surgery to widen their palate.


How MSE Works

If you’re an adult with sleeping or breathing problems, a consultation with Dr. Vic or Dr. Hailey can determine if a maxillary skeletal expander will help solve these issues.

After your consultation, Dr. Vic, Dr. Hailey, and our team will partner with an expert oral surgeon to develop a treatment plan and determine what type of MSE you’ll need and the number of implants you’ll require, depending on your age and bone density.

The surgeon will then administer a local anesthetic before placing temporary implants in your palate to hold the MSE in place. This procedure usually takes about 20 – 30 minutes

How the MSE Helps

A maxillary skeletal expander can:

  • Increase your overall airway space
  • Expand your nasal and oral cavities to reduce airway resistance
  • Provide more room for your tongue to rest so that it doesn’t obstruct your breathing

Your MSE can also help treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and other breathing issues so you can get back to feeling refreshed first thing in the morning — and at your best all day long.

Sleep Treatment for
Kids & Teens

Is your child tired — or even hyperactive? If your child snores, tosses and turns, and displays ADHD tendencies, they could be suffering from an undiagnosed sleep breathing disorder such as sleep apnea.


Symptoms to Look For

Children and teens can show different signs and symptoms of sleep-related breathing disorder compared to adults, including:

  • Restlessness
  • Sweating heavily during sleep
  • Sleeping in abnormal positions
  • Snoring loudly and on a regular basis
  • Sleeping with their head in unusual positions
  • Experiencing pauses, gasps, snorts, or stops in breathing

During the day, a child or teen with sleep apnea may:

  • Be difficult to wake up
  • Fall asleep or daydream during the day
  • Present as irritable, agitated, aggressive, and cranky
  • Demonstrate behavioral, school, and social problems
  • Have headaches during the day, but especially in the morning
  • Speak with a nasal voice and breathe regularly through the mouth

Does Your Child Need Sleep Treatment?