Braces & Clear Aligners | East Hampton & Riverhead

Options for All

Our patients appreciate that Dr. Vic and Dr. Hailey adopt the latest dental technologies so they’ll have the most modern treatments available.

Discover a range of advanced braces options built to meet your unique smile goals. You’ll have a quick, cost-effective path to your perfect smile at Facing the Future Orthodontics.

Other Treatments at Facing the Future Orthodontics

Custom Teeth Whitening Kits

We design custom teeth whitening kits to give your smile an extra boost after your treatment. Your teeth whitening kit includes a custom-fitted whitening tray, whitening gel, and a desensitizing gel.

Unlike over-the-counter whitening kits, yours are custom-made to fit your teeth with precision. This not only boosts contact between the whitening gel and your teeth but also reduces contact with the gums to avoid irritation.

Custom kits are more effective at whitening your teeth compared to over-the-counter kits due to the stronger gel and the customized application trays. You’ll use the kit at home and on your own schedule, making it a convenient option.


Sleep Appliances to Replace CPAP

We use sleep appliances — also called mandibular advancement devices — as an alternative to CPAP machines to help treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Sleep appliances work by moving your lower jaw slightly forward to help open up the airway, reduce snoring, and treat mild to moderate OSA.

The two main types of sleep appliances we use at Facing the Future Orthodontics are:

  • Mandibular advancement device (MAD): Our most common type of sleep appliance, the MAD looks similar to a mouthguard and fits over the upper and lower arches to gently move the jaw forward and avoid potential surgery in the future.
  • Tongue retaining device (TRD): This sleep appliance holds the tongue forward instead of the jaw to keep your airway open. They’re less common but are a better option for those who cannot adjust their jaw.

Sleep appliances are a great solution for those with mild OSA symptoms. Many patients find sleep appliances to be comfortable and convenient compared to CPAP machines. Sleep appliances are small, portable, and quiet, so they’re great for on-the-go travel.

MSE & Spring Jets for Expansion

At Facing the Future Orthodontics, we use the very best to tackle tough jaw and dental misalignments. By using devices that expand the upper jaw, we’re able to adjust your jaw and create space for the teeth to come in properly.

Two devices we use are the Maxillary Skeletal Expanders (MSE) and the Spring Jet.


The Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE)

The Maxillary Skeletal Expander, or MSE for short, is a type of palatal expander used to widen the upper jaw when there’s not enough space for the teeth.

The MSE goes beyond adjusting the teeth and can modify the jaw's bone structure. This makes it a great gadget for our older patients whose jaws have stopped growing and need extra help to bring out a great smile.


Spring Jet

This palatal expander is removable, unlike the MSE, which makes it less invasive and, most of the time, more comfortable.

The Spring Jet uses a series of springs and screws to apply force onto the teeth and bones of the palate to widen the upper jaw. Unlike the MSE, it does not adjust the bones and serves our younger patients.